I know a lot of people say "well racism is only still around because people like you keep bringing it up". Well, the only reason I bring it up is because it means a lot more to me to stop these shenanigans, if you will, and try to bring our country to a place of peace. Why must we be at war with each other when we are already at war with others?
At this moment, I don't really see a future without racism. It's not that I have given up hope on our country, but I fear that people like Limbaugh will reach more and more and make them believe that people of color can do nothing but wrong. As Simmons quotes in his blog, Limbaugh made a statement on his show trying to interpret Reverend Jackson's words. He said that "the black frame of mind is terrible and Tiger's choice of women didn't help". Help what exactly? A black man cheats on his white wife with a white woman and all hell breaks loose? What about all the white men who have cheated on their white wives? Why don't they get called out only if their name is Bill Clinton? What about white men who cheat on their black wives? What about all the black men who cheat on their black wives? Why doesn't he care about them? What about the Asian man who lives next door with the latina? Is he going to get called out too? Is that going to make Jackie Chan any less attractive? The point is is that people like Rush Limbaugh have one purpose in the world and one purpose only...to make people think what he wants them to think. And he may succeed to a degree, but everyone won't follow in his footsteps. And thus, this war may never end.
I am a perfectly professional black woman engaged to a perfectly respectable white man and I, myself, do not get any sort of verbal thrashing because of the community that I live in and because of the people I surround myself with. But I know that there are some people out there who are not as fortunate as I am. And I wish I could apologize for the way the world treats you. It is truly unfair. But hopefully something will be done about it someday.
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