Friday, January 29, 2010

Why NY? Why not...anywhere else

Yesterday, an article was posted from the Associated Press (which was reposted by numerous sources) about the 9/11 trial against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four others being held in New York...Manhattan to be exact...

       The article was called
Officials voice opposition to 9/11 trials in NYC

I may not have been there when those planes crashed. Actually, I was in my 8th grade English class. And I don't remember much from that day except the thoughts of dying going through my own mind and the look on my mother's face -- a look of terror. But one thing I do know, is that I would never ever ever want to see those people in New York again.

But it's not only that. The people who lost someone that day...some of them might just show up at that trial...with weapons. Do they think people aren't still angry? Do they think people aren't still afraid and have nightmares? 2001 was quite a few years ago, but people haven't forgotten. And they're not going to forget.

Not only are there political figures who think that this is a bad idea, but I'm sure residents of Manhattan, NY aren't exactly jumping for joy at the thought of having these people on trial for who knows how long. What was Obama thinking?

The people in New York saw their loved ones murdered...crushed, blown up, fatally injured by so many different ways...does the Obama administration think that they are doing those people a favor by allowing them to see as Bloomberg called "justice near the World Trade Center site".

Justice may be served...but I hope the NYPD will be ready to deal with the other possible justices that may be served that day.

...just like on September 11, 2001 I'll be by my television the day of that trial...watching what will happen next...most likely with tears in my eyes

Thursday, January 21, 2010

White Boys Forced to Jump for All-American Basketball Alliance

I feel positively horrible for not keeping up with my blog as much as I would have liked to, but I have recently started a new (and my first) full-time reporter position with a local newspaper. Hence, that is where my time has gone. I've only been here for a couple weeks but I love this job, even if it has cut into my personal blogging time.

I thought I could jot down a few words before I don't write another blog for a month or two, particularly on this article I found in the Huffington Post titled Whites Only Basketball League: All-American Basketball Alliance bans Blacks, Foreigners. How is this still happening?

For a second I was hoping that I had accidently stumbled upon an article in The Onion, but I had not. According to the league's comissioner Don "Moose" Lewis, he isn't against blacks or any other person of color. In his mind, the league was simply created because white people have become the minority.

Yes, studies have shown that people of caucasian decent will most likely become a minority...but not today or tomorrow or the next day. Studies have shown that the decrease in the white population will not make them a minority in this country until around 2050.

The article also quotes this "man" as stating that the All-American Basketball Alliance will play fundamental ball only and not "street-ball" as people of color do.

...I think I may be at a loss for words. Or at least, words that I would be willing to put in this blog.

I know this may sound cliche, but didn't MLK's birthday just pass? Was this guy around that day when the whole country closed educational institutions and police departments to honor this man and the efforts he made to bring WHITE AND BLACK PEOPLE TOGETHER? Not against people of color MY ASS!

I wish I had a picture of this Lewis guy, but I don't. But, if I did, I think I nice white sheet over his head would do just nicely.

Hi! My name is Don Lewis and I support all white basketball! Look for me at your local KKK meeting! I'll be the one saying that I'm not entirely against people of color...especially because my neighbor is black! Anyways, vote Don Lewis! I'm here for your white basketball players!

Well...I have to get back to work now. Hope I get to write again soon. I also hope I get to meet Don Lewis soon...but that's for a different reason.